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What is
Digital Hunarmandi

Digital Hunarmandi is a unique gamified financial literacy course developed under the Light-F project implemented by JICA, and the Women Development Department (WDD) of the Govt. of Sindh. The content and game is designed and developed by Knowledge Platform in collaboration with the Light-F project and Tez Financial Services. This course is aimed at increasing financial literacy among women home-based workers between the ages of 18 and 30, but it is useful to people of all ages.

Based on the themes of entrepreneurship and digital finance, the story and games in this series present a fun and engaging way for learners to understand and apply the basics of saving, budgeting, borrowing, and digital payments to their daily lives.

Learner’s journey
!آئیں کھیل کر سیکھیں
Watch the series

Our Partners

Government of Sindh
Tez Financial Services
Knowledge Platform
Developed by Knowledge Platform as part of the Light-F Project of Women Development Department (WDD) of Sindh Government and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with support from Tez Financial Services
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